Participation in the 24th Russian National Cardiovascular Surgery Meeting
A delegation of researches from the Research Institute for Complex Issues of Cardiovascular Diseases under the supervision of Olga Barbarash, Director, Corresponding Member of the RAS, M.D., Ph.D., Professor, participated in the 24th Russian National Cardiovascular Surgery Meeting held in late November in A.N. Bakulev National Medical Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery
The meeting which is considered the largest event in this sphere in Russia, brought together cardiovascular surgeons, cardiologists, cardiac surgeons and researches from 138 Russian cities and the countries of near and far abroad. Totally, 677 reports were presented, including memorial lectures and a report of the President of Russian Association of Cardiovascular Surgeons, Academician Leo Bockeria.
The researches from the NII KPSSZ presented the reports in most of the sections, such as “Minimally invasive approaches to treatment of atrial fibrillations”, “Acquired valvular diseases”, “Combined cardiac and vascular pathology”, “Novelty in valvular heart diseases surgery”, “Endovascular treatment of congenital great diseases, structural heart diseases and vascular pathology”, “Current issues of cardiac rehabilitation”, “Diagnostics and surgical treatment of various diseases followed by pulmonary hypertension”, “Current issues of cardiology.” A high level of reports preparation and a wide coverage of themes presented by the researches from Kemerovo were noted.
As a part of the Meeting a conference “Creative cardiology” was held which summed up the results of the contest among the young researches. The second place was won by Yulia Dylyova, a senior research associate of the Homeostasis Research Laboratory of the NII KPSSZ, with her research “Relationship of localization of fat depot and epigenetic profile of adipocytes in patients with coronary artery disease”.
“Obesity is the most fast-growing problem all over the world due to its close association with cardiovascular diseases. However, the fat depots are very heterogenic and differ by their ability to store the lipids, to secrete biologically active substances, which is important in the development of cardiovascular diseases”, said Yulia Aleksandrovna about the relevance of her theme.
The study was supported by the grant of the Russian Science Foundation “Molecular markers of pathologic activation of fatty tissue in cardiovascular diseases”. Yulia Dylyova was awarded by Leo Antonovich Bockeria.